The organizers are planning a small family fun festival before the movie (an Egyptian black&white musical with a live sing along!). Unfortunately I am already committed to an earlier event, so I was not able to apply for a booth. I was excited to hear who else will be there, not just product booths, but Arabic food booths too.
Undaunted, the organizers asked me to provide them with a few products to sell until I could get there later in the evening to enjoy the movie. I've been trying to decide what to give them, since I really wanted to play off the theme of the event.
While at the best kept secret in Redmond on Wednesday with my daughters, I came across a box of vintage cards. I knew right away that the cards would be perfect to sell at the movie. I went home, torn them apart then reconfigured them to face the Arabic direction when they opened. Now they look like this
![]() |
From a vintage boring card to a colored and bright Arabic Shukran Card. |
Here is a preview of one of the songs:
Tobah - توبة
توبة توبة
توبة إن كنت أحبك تاني توبة (1
To-bah x2 to-bann kun-ta a-Hib-bak ta-ni, to-ba
Never again, will I love
you, never again
بس قابلني
مرة وتبقى دي آخر نوبة
Buss ah-bill-nee mar-ra w’ tib-a d’ ah-kher nu-ba
Just meet me one more time,
it'll be the last time
توبة توبة
Wa’ ba3-da-ha to-ba
And after that never again
(Repeat 2x)
توبة إن
كنت أخاصمك وأرجع أصالحك تاني (2
To-ban kun-ti ah-khas-mak werr-g3a sal-Hak ta-ni
Never again will I stop
talking to you
only to make upagain
البعد سقاني وياما القرب ضناني
Ya-mal ba3-di sa-3a-ni, w’ya-mal kur-bi da-na-nee
Distance has always been
good for me,
while being with you tires
me out
(Repeat 5 times)
وإن فات
طيفك يوم في منامي وجه صحاني (3
Win fat ti-fak yoom fi ma-na-mi wa-gah sa-Ha-ni
If your image appeared to
me in my sleep
and woke me up
أصالحك بس أهي نوبة وبعدها توبة
Bar-do a-sal-Hak bas a-hi nu-bah wa b3a-da-ha to-bah, to-bah
I'd make good with you
again but after that never again
(Go to first verse x 2)
توبة إن
كنت حصدق تاني كلامك (4
To-ban kun-ti Ha-sud-da’ ta-ni ka-la-mak
Never again will I believe
anything you say
حتسأل مش راح أصدق حتى سلامك
Mah-ma Ha-ti-sal mush ra-Ha sud-da’ Hat-ta sa-lam-ak
No matter what you ask I
will not even believe your greetings
(Repeat 3x)
بس أوعدني
أوعى تبكي وأنا قدامك (5
Buss ew 3-id-ni ew 3a tib-ki wa-na oo-dam-ak
Just promise me you will
never cry in front of me
أحسن أكذب
روحي وأقول أهي نوبة وبعدها توبة
AH-san a-ked-dib roo-Hee wa-ool a-hi no-bah
It's best that I lie to my
soul and say just this once
wa ba-3a-da-ha to-bah
and then never again
(Repeat (1) x 3) then (4) x
3) then (5) x1 then (1) x 3)
آه من
حيرة قلبي وآه من دمعة عيني (6
Ah min Hee-reet al-b’–oo , w’ah min dam-3et 3a-ni
Oh, my heart is so
confused! Oh, how I've cried!
كل ما
أقول أنساك توحشهم نارك وتصحيني
Ku-li ma-ool an-sak to-Hash-ni nar-ak wa-tsaa-Hi-ni
Whenever I say I'll forget
you, your fire makes me miss you
and wakes me up
(Repeat (6) x 3)
وأسأل عنك قبل ما انت تجيني (7
Ag-ri wa ‘sal 3an-ak ab-li man-ta tig-nee
And then I run around
asking about you
before you even come to me
أضحك نوبة
وأبكي نوبة وبعدها توبة
Ad Hak no-ba wab-ki no-ba, wa
ba3-da-ha to-ba, to-ba
I'll laugh once, cry once
and then never again
(Repeat (1) x 3)
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