Saturday, November 23, 2013

Neverending List With Dragons, Pirates, And Mermaids, Oh My!

I love lists.  I'm not sure how I would be able to cope without them.  I do so many things at the same time (raising 3 daughters, teaching three classes of art to kids, plus an art class to grownups, running a full time budding business, custom orders and the other not so fun things I do), I have to have lists to survive.

I love writing things down and the tiny little high I get when things get crossed off.  One less thing in the brain and out into the universe. What a feeling!

I have a list in the car for people to call.  I have a list on the fridge for things to buy.  I have one on my night stand for things to do the next day.  I keep one in my sewing box for notions to buy at Joann and I have a list next to the TV of movies I want to see.  I have a list on my Nook of books to read and a list on my iPad of fun things to do on a rainy day in Seattle (this is a very very long list).

At any given time, I could have about 12 ongoing lists within easy access of my overactive hands.

Recently I added a chalk wall to my studio that has become my favorite list of all.

It started innocently enough as a To Buy, To Do, To Make list but has now become my youngest daughter's art wall. 

I love seeing her drawing on the wall, adding so much color and silliness to my adult never ending lists.

And yes, she is wearing a cape made from a skirt.
Because today is cape day.
Be sure to put one on your To Buy list.

If you have a child in your home, you need a chalk wall. You'll wonder what you ever did without one. Now I need to go, because my list has turned into a game of tic tac toe!

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